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Creative Spaces Network Website

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Rusty old nails and tin cans are not always rubbish.

Running on empty in an old car is not good for the family in winter.


Make a post

There are 3 posting areas to select from:

  1. Post as a Creative Space.
  2. Post as an Artist (telling a story).
  3. Post as an arts adviser.
  4. Post as a disability adviser.

1. Creative Spaces posting

Select the correct page type for your post

CLICK TO MAKE A BLOG: Informal or conversational in style, typically about personal opinions and experiences. Access previous posts, here.

CLICK TO MAKE AN ARTICLE: More formally written than a blog and might be longer (think mag articles). Access previous posts, here.

CLICK TO MAKE A NEWS ITEM: Allows you to present your ‘latest news’ items or links to outside storiesAccess previous posts, here.

CLICK TO MAKE A MEDIA RELEASE: Regarded as PR information provided to 'traditional media outlets'. Access previous posts, here.

CLICK TO MAKE AN EVENT LISTING: An event, with all details, for  promotion. Access previous posts, here.

2. Artist's posting - tell a story about yourself or an artists

Select the correct page type for your post

CLICK TO MAKE A BLOG: Informal or conversational in style, typically about personal opinions and experiences. Access previous posts, here.

CLICK TO MAKE AN ARTICLE: More formally written than a blog and might be longer (think mag articles). Access previous posts, here.


3. Arts adviser posting

Select the correct page type for your post

CLICK TO MAKE A BLOG: Informal or conversational in style, typically about personal opinions and experiences. Access previous posts, here.

CLICK TO MAKE AN ARTICLE: More formally written than a blog and might be longer (think mag articles). Access previous posts, here.

4. Disability adviser posting

Select the correct page type for your post

CLICK TO MAKE A BLOG: Informal or conversational in style, typically about personal opinions and experiences. Access previous posts, here.

CLICK TO MAKE AN ARTICLE: More formally written than a blog and might be longer (think mag articles). Access previous posts, here.


Ministry for Culture and Heritage link

Ministry for Culture and Heritage link

Arts Access Aotearoa link

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