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Creative Spaces Network Website

Creative Spaces Network: terms and conditions

Creative Spaces Network is facilitated by Arts Access Aotearoa. By completing and submitting any form on this website, you are providing Arts Access Aotearoa with personal information, including your contact details. This information will be available only to Arts Access Aotearoa staff. We will not provide it to any other party without your prior consent.

You have the right to access and request correction of your personal information. If your contact details change, please inform us (E: T: 04 802 4349). Read our privacy policy.


Hypertext links to other online sources are for the convenience of users and do not constitute any endorsement or authorisation by Arts Access Aotearoa. We cannot guarantee that these links will work all of the time and we have no control over availability or accuracy of the linked pages. Arts Access Aotearoa is not responsible for content on these linked pages.


Except where stated, Arts Access Aotearoa is the copyright holder of information on this site. You are welcome to reproduce this information (but not the photos of artists and their artworks) without formal permission or charge. However, we ask you to acknowledge the source of the information: i.e. Arts Access Aotearoa.


Images of artists and their artworks are used on this site with the artists’ or photographers’ permission. You cannot use images from this site without contacting us first. Please contact: Communications Manager (E: T: 03 802 4349)


Ministry for Culture and Heritage link

Ministry for Culture and Heritage link

Arts Access Aotearoa link

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