Remember Vincents Art Workshop in your Will
Your Will is probably one of the most important documents you will ever prepare. It is a unique opportunity to decide where your assets go and to leave a lasting legacy for the future.
You may never have considered leaving a bequest to people outside of your family and like many New Zealanders you may not have a current Will.
Making a new Will or making changes to an existing Will is easy, especially since you do not need to give in your own lifetime. All you need to do is contact your lawyer or a Public Trust Office for assistance.
A bequest (sometimes called a legacy) is a gift nominated in your Will to one or more non profit organisations. Your bequest can take any combination of the following forms:
- An outright gift of cash
- A percentage of the overall value of your estate
- A gift of real estate
- An investment (artwork, jewellery, stocks etc)
If you wish to make a gift to Vincents Art Workshop in your Will, it is very important that you use our correct and legally incorporated name (Vincents Art Workshop Incorporated) and the following wording:
'I bequest the sum of ______________(or_______% of my estate or _______% residue of my estate) free of probate and estate duties to the Vincents Art Workshop Incorporated for general purposes. I declare that the receipt of the Chairperson of Vincents Art Workshop Incorporated shall be sufficient discharge to my trustee.'
If you wish for more information about leaving a bequest to Vincents Art Workshop please contact Glen McDonald at:
Vincents Art Workshop Incorporated
Willis St Village, 5 / 148 Willis St, Wellington
PO Box 11-706, Wellington
Phone: (04) 499-1030 - Coordinator: 027 407 5706
Fax: (04) 499-1030
Charities Commission Number: CC29001