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Creative Spaces Network Website

Conference 2022


Keynote presentations

This page has five videos of the keynote speakers and presentations at the conference. These videos are captioned. You can also watch the NZSL interpreted videos.   

  • Justice Joe Williams: Igniting Possibilities: art as a liberating force
  • Anjel Newmann: Practices for cultivating leadership
  • Erin Gough, disability activist, and Caroline Bowditch, Chief Executive Officer/Artistic Director of Arts Access Victoria, Australia: In Conversation: Understanding Disability and Ableism
  • Megan Thorn: Creating a Sustainable Funding Plan - Working Towards a Stable Table
  • Richard Benge, Executive Director, Arts Access Aotearoa: Call to Action

Justice Joe Williams

ART'S CRITICAL ROLE: Justice Williams’ keynote explores art’s critical role in leading Aotearoa on its journey towards multiculturalism and liberation, and a place that allows us to remember who we are and dream about who we could be.

Anjel Newmann

CULTIVATING GROWTH: Anjel Newmann reflects on her leadership journey through AS220, a creative space in Providence, USA, and outlines a number of key practices she believes are essential for cultivating growth and leadership in others.

Erin Gough and Caroline Bowditch

DISABILITY AND ABLEISM: In this conversation, Erin and Caroline aim to support non-disabled people to understand how ableist societal systems and attitudes impact disabled people, and examine non-disabled people’s role in challenging ableism and supporting disabled people as allies.

Megan Thorn

A STABLE TABLE: Are you sick of scrambling from one funding round to the next or wondering what will happen when a contract term ends? Would you like your creative space to have more reliable income, but you’re unsure where to start? The session is packed with practical ideas and tips for developing opportunities for raising funds.

Richard Benge

CALL TO ACTION: "So, let's keep the energy and aroha going. Arts Access is all in, and looking forward to staying alongside you to do  what Dame Hinewehi Mohi did back in 1993: use the power of the arts to change the world."


Ministry for Culture and Heritage link

Ministry for Culture and Heritage link

Arts Access Aotearoa link

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