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Creative Spaces Network Website

Creative spaces directory: Waikato region

Creative spaces are community-based arts organisations and groups where people, often with limited access, can go to make art, participate in theatre, dance, music, film and creative writing. Find a creative space in Waikato. If you would rather look at a national directory, visit the national creative spaces directory.
Please email us to update your entry, include your creative space in this directory, or make enquiries about the Creative Spaces Network.

Artists in the Making

Address: 4 Arthur Street, Whitianga, Coromandel
Artists in the Making is a support service for people with disabilities and is run by the Coromandel Independent Living Trust. Participants meet two days a week to do art activities, including mosaics, china painting and craft.
Contact: Janey Abercrombie, Co-ordinator | 07 866 0032 |

Arts for Health

Address: Norris / Ward Park Arts Centre, 2 Seddon Rd, Hamilton

Welcome to Arts for Health, a community creative space dedicated to wellbeing through art. Our open studio welcomes adults of all interests, providing a space for self-directed artmaking, meeting new people, and enjoying some personal time. Whether you're eager to learn new skills in our workshops or explore art therapy programmes for both adults and children, we have something for you. Arts for Health is inclusive to all abilities and skill levels. Come join us and experience the healing power of art. We look forward to seeing you soon.

Contact: Cass Hendry | 07 838 2271 | | 

NGĀ ART - Te Whare Toi o Ngaaruawaahia

Address: 18 Herschel Street, Ngaruawahia
NGĀ ART is a vibrant community hub catering to Ngaaruawahia and the surrounding communities. Our kaupapa revolves around offering diverse creative programmes, projects and events, providing avenues for active participation in social and community activities. We host a range of initiatives, including art for health classes, mahi toi classes, both evening and day classes, engaging school holiday programmes, and enriching masterclasses. Beyond our physical space, we extend our impact by collaborating on projects within schools and the community. Our commitment extends to organising events that celebrate local and cultural traditions. Moreover, we prioritise creative projects that not only enhance but also narrate the unique stories of our community. NGĀ ART is dedicated to fostering a dynamic and inclusive environment where creativity thrives, and individuals can connect with one another through shared experiences in the world of art and culture.
Contact: Laura Millward, Manager | 021 996512 | manager@ngā |  Ngā Arts

Sandz Studio and Gallery

Address: 6 Kent Street, Frankton Village, Hamilton 3216
This studio and gallery supports artists with intellectual disabilities to become independent artists, and promotes their work as an integral part of contemporary art.
Contact: Maree Glass | 07 847 4344 | |  Instagram

Toi Ako Te Kauwhata

Address: 1 Waerenga Rd, Te Kauwhata
Toi Ako is an arts-based creative space that brings the community together through creativity for social, artistic and wellbeing outcomes. Governed by the Te Kauwhata Community House, it offers an extension of the other health and social services provided by the Community House and places the arts firmly at the centre. It offers a range of classes, workshops and outreach programmes for people of all ages and abilities. 
Contact: Lauren Hughes, Manager | 021 2225682 | | Website |Toi Ako Te Kauwhata Facebook



Ministry for Culture and Heritage link

Ministry for Culture and Heritage link

Arts Access Aotearoa link

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