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Creative Spaces Network Website

Investing in Otago

Read about the creative spaces in Otago that received three-year funding from Manatū Taonga. Their stories demonstrates the impact of the funding and what they were able to achieve.
Visit the Otago directory for contact details.


Artsenta serves tāngata whaiora (people seeking wellbeing). Established in 1986, we believe creativity is a powerful pathway to wellbeing and that everyone has creative potential, so anyone who comes here is considered an artist.

We provide a safe space where people facing mental health and addiction challenges support each other, create connections and confidence to be an active part of the wider community. We present a wide variety of creative opportunities, including arts and crafts, music and creative writing. No artistic experience is required and the focus is on the creative process rather than the end result.

Download the story

Artsenta (pdf)

Artsenta (Word)

Studio2 & Margaret Freeman Gallery

At Studio2, people with learning disability and the neurodivergent community can come together to make great art. Both our arts studio and gallery support artists to explore a range of artistic mediums and styles. We celebrate the unique perspectives and innovative approaches disabled artists bring to their work, emphasising the importance of their contributions to contemporary art.

We believe art can change the way people see and understand the world. At Studio2, disabled people are given opportunities to use art to contest ableism and affirm positive disability identity. Central to our kaupapa is assisting artists to show their work in public spaces.

Download the story

Studio2 & Margaret Freeman Gallery (pdf)

Studio2 & Margaret Freeman Gallery (Word)


Ministry for Culture and Heritage link

Ministry for Culture and Heritage link

Arts Access Aotearoa link

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