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Creative Spaces Network Website

Investing in Tasman-Nelson

Read about creative spaces in Tasman-Nelson that received three-year funding from Manatū Taonga. Their stories demonstrate the impact of the funding and what they were able to achieve.
Visit the Tasman-Nelson directory for contact details.

Community Art Works

Community Art Works in Nelson believes that creative expression is something everybody needs. And that for some people, it’s vital. We create opportunities and access for people with disabilities. From group activities to exhibitions and public performances, CAW was founded to provide a pathway for people with fewer advantages through the language of art.

We cater for people with mixed abilities every week and sessions run throughout the year. We are staffed by professional artists, who are experienced teachers and have a passion to share their skills with people.

Download the story

Community Art Works (pdf)

Community Art Works (Word)

Magenta Creative Space

Magenta has been fostering creativity and connection for 24 years. We are a free, walk-in arts centre, offering a welcoming, fully resourced art studio open six days a week to individuals experiencing mental health challenges such as bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, depression and social isolation.

No referral is needed to experience our caring environment, guided by qualified art tutors who build strong relationships with our artists and collaborate with the wider mental health sector in Whakatū Nelson. Our inclusive philosophy emphasises the power of creativity and connection to support improved wellbeing. Many participants find their time with us transformative.

Download the story

Magenta Creative Space (pdf)

Magenta Creative Space (Word)




Ministry for Culture and Heritage link

Ministry for Culture and Heritage link

Arts Access Aotearoa link

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